Sunday, November 18, 2007
Some Quotes By Peter Drucker, Mostly about General Managemnet
“Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.”
“Objectives are not fate; they are direction. They are not commands; they are commitments. They do not determine the future; they are means to mobilize the resources and energies of the business for the making of the future.”
“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision”
“The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploits it as an opportunity.”
“Meetings are a symptom of bad organization, the fewer meetings the better.”
“Time is the scarcest resource and unless it is managed nothing else can be managed.”
“Quality in a product or service is not what the supplier puts in. It is what the customer gets out and is willing to pay for. A product is not quality because it is hard to make and costs a lot of money, as manufacturers typically believe. This is incompetence. Customers pay only for what is of use to them and gives them value. Nothing else constitutes quality.”
“The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different.”
“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.”
“Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right”
“Leaders shouldn't attach moral significance to their ideas: Do that, and you can't compromise.”
“The really important things are said over cocktails and are never done.”
“Decision making is the specific executive task.”
“One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. The supply of time is totally inelastic. No matter how high the demand, the supply will not go up. There is no price for it. Time is totally perishable and cannot be stored. Yesterday's time is gone forever, and will never come back. Time is always in short supply. There is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. All work takes place in, and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource.”
“The only things that evolve by themselves in an organization are disorder, friction, and malperformance”
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.”
“Management by objectives works if you first think through your objectives. Ninety percent of the time you haven't.”
“We know nothing about motivation. All we can do is writing books about it.”
“We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.”
“Today knowledge has power. It controls access to opportunity and advancement.”
“Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work.”
“What you have to do and the way you have to do it is incredibly simple. Whether you are willing to do it, that's another matter.”
“Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the "naturals," the ones who somehow know how to teach.”
“Efficiency is doing better what is already being done.”
“Leadership is not magnetic personality /that can just as well be a glib tongue. It is not making friends and influencing people /that is flattery. Leadership is lifting a person's vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”
“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hopes; but no plans.”
“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.”
“The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say 'I'. And that's not because they have trained themselves not to say 'I'. They don't think 'I'. They think 'we'; they think 'team'. They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but 'we' gets the credit.... This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”
“Knowledge has to be improved, challenged, and increased constantly, or it vanishes.”
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
"Life goes on" By: Beccy Cole
Saw a friend the other day,
I hadn't seen in quite a while
I remember when she used to smile
I listened to her story....
broken promised and shattered dreams
Told me things ain't always what they seem
When I gave her my sympathy
she said living with regret is something
that comes naturally
Sometimes you gotta roll with the punches
Sometimes you go against the grain
Sometimes your hard work pays off
Sometimes it's all in vain
But no matter what you endure, rest assured
Life goes on......Life Goes On
As she turned to walk away, said girl I'm going to be all right
Life is just a fair and honest fight
I learned a brand new lesson
If you look beyond the clouds of grey,
the pot of gold is one rainbow away
It's just a matter...of moving on
Don't get caught up in the endless battle proving right from wrong
Sometimes you gotta roll with the punches
Sometimes you go against the grain
Sometimes your hard work pays off
Sometimes it's all in vain
But no matter what you assured
Life Goes On......
Life goes on
Every smile is
And the sound of laughter echoes like a symphony
Friday, October 26, 2007
از مجموعه ی "ابراهیم در آتش" سروده ی زنده یاد شاملو

"بر سرمایِ درون"
لرزشِ دست و دل اَم
از آن بود
که عشق
، پناهی گردد
پروازی نه
.گریزگاهی گردد
آی عشق آی عشق
پروازی نه
.گریزگاهی گردد
آی عشق آی عشق
.چهره یِ آبی اَت پیدا نیست
و خنکایِ مرهمی
بر شعله یِ زخمی
نه شورِ شعله
.بر سرمایِ درون
آی عشق آی عشق
.چهره یِ سرخ اَت پیدا نیست
و غبارِ تیره یِ تسکینی
بر حضورِ وَهن
و دنجِ رهایی
،بر گریزِ حضور
بر آرامشِ آبی
و سبزه یِ برگچه
.بر ارغوان
آی عشق آی عشق
رنگِ آشنای اَت
. پیدا نیست
و خنکایِ مرهمی
بر شعله یِ زخمی
نه شورِ شعله
.بر سرمایِ درون
آی عشق آی عشق
.چهره یِ سرخ اَت پیدا نیست
و غبارِ تیره یِ تسکینی
بر حضورِ وَهن
و دنجِ رهایی
،بر گریزِ حضور
بر آرامشِ آبی
و سبزه یِ برگچه
.بر ارغوان
آی عشق آی عشق
رنگِ آشنای اَت
. پیدا نیست
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Don't go far off, not even for a day, because ---
because I don't know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.
Don't leave me, even for an hour; because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams for a home will drift
into me choking my lost heart.
Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelid never flutter into the empty distance.
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,
because in that moment you'll have gone so far
I'll wonder mazily over all the earth, asking
Will you come back? Will you leave me here dying?
By: Poblo Neruda
Don't go far off, not even for a day, because ---
because I don't know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.
Don't leave me, even for an hour; because
then the little drops of anguish will all run together,
the smoke that roams for a home will drift
into me choking my lost heart.
Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelid never flutter into the empty distance.
Don't leave me for a second, my dearest,
because in that moment you'll have gone so far
I'll wonder mazily over all the earth, asking
Will you come back? Will you leave me here dying?
By: Poblo Neruda
Thursday, October 4, 2007
"If You Forget Me"

I want you to know
one thing.
You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail toward those isles
of yours that wait for me.
Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you little by little.
If suddenly
you forget me
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.
If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.
But if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.
By: Pablo Neruda
Saturday, July 28, 2007
هورت کشیدن یک لیوان آب پرتقال
"برگرفته از "کافه شرق
من فقط خواستم آن طور كه در كنه وجودم هستم، زندگى كنم. چرا اين كار آنقدر مشكل بود؟
دميان، هرمان هسه
كاش ميشد با چيزها همچون معجزهها روبهرو شويم. چه ميشد؟ زندگي چه رنگ و لوني داشت؟ اما انگار بايد چيزي غيرعادي رخ دهد تا ما هم غيرعادي نگاه کنيم. انگار بايد كور شويم تا جور ديگر ببينيم. مثلاً حلقآويزمان کنند و بعد طناب را پاره کنند تا بفهميم هر دم غنيمتي است. ده سال در زنداني تاريك و نمور نگهمان دارند، سپس آزادمان کنند. بگويند سرطان داري و ما فقط ششماه اجازه داشته باشيم به زندگي نگاه کنيم. بگويند عشق تو مرد و آنگاه در غياب قطعي او به حضورش بينديشيم. سرمان را درون آب کنند و بعد از مدتي اجازه دهند نفسي بکشيم. چشممان را ببندند تا ارزش يك پلكزدن را هم دريابيم. پايمان بشكنند تا ياد راه رفتن بيفتيم. چرا؟ انگار كه يكجور بايد به ته خط برسيم، با سياهي روبهرو شويم تا بفهميم رنگ چيست؟ چرا فقط وضعيتهاي اينچنيني ما را با هستي روبهرو ميکند؟ چرا نميتوانيم مانند يک قحطيزده به ساندويچ گاز بزنيم. عطش نوشيدن يك ليوان آبپرتقال خنك داشته باشيم. مثل ديوانهها عشق بورزيم و مثل نديدبديدها بنگريم و گوش دهيم؟ شاهکار ما لزوماً دگرگون کردن تاريخ نيست. نجات دادن بشريت نيست. هدايتكردن گمراهها به راه راست نيست. کي گفته که بايد سنگ بزرگ برداريم ـ که معمولاً هم علامت نزدن است ـ کي گفته که بايد زمين و زمان را به هم بريزيم و جهان را سقف بشکافيم و طرحي نو دراندازيم. خير، اتفاقاً گاهي اوقات گل برافشاندن و مي در ساغر انداختن، مقام والاتر و بالاتري دارد از اين کارهاي سترگ و بزرگ. شايد شاهكار ما يك گردش عصرگاهي ساده باشد يا نوشيدن يك ليوان چاي. خوردن يك تخممرغ عسلي نيمرو شده. به نيش كشيدن يك سيخ كباب. اگر روشنفکران و سياستپيشگان كمي اهل تفريح كردن بودند، كمي بدنشان را شاداب و تندرست نگه ميداشتند، كمي به خودشان ميرسيدند، به نان و پنير اكتفا نميكردند و گاهي مزه مرغ و بوقلمون را هم ميچشيدند، شايد نياز کمتري به جنگ و انقلابهاي خونين بود. آدمي كه پرسشهاي سادهاي همچون طرز تهيه فلان غذا را مبتذل ميخواند، نميداند که با حذف يکسويه چنين پرسشهايي، پرسشهاي بهمراتب پيچيدهتري مانند طرز تهيه يک بمب هستهاي را جايگزين خواهد كرد. من واقعاً نميفهمم كه امام محمد غزالي براي چه خانه و كاشانه را رها كرد و سر به بيابان گذاشت تا مگر آدم شود و از گمراهي به در رود. جالب است كه خودش اعتراف ميكند در همه آن مدت عزلت و گوشهگيري و چلهنشيني باز غم دوري از خانه و خانواده داشته است. ياد زن و بچهاش ميكرده. چرا فكر ميكنيم در يك بستر گرم و نرم نميشود به رستگاري رسيد؟ چرا گُل عرفان ما فقط در بيابان شكوفا ميشود؟ اين همه سختي و مرارت براي چيست؟ چرا بايد بخشي از خودمان را انكار كنيم، به آن لگام زنيم، سركوبش كنيم تا به ما بگويند كه آدم هستيم. قاطر زشت و زمختي هست که سر يک فرشته زيبا را روي او مونتاژ کردهاند. هرکس به اين قاطرچموش آب و علف نرساند و وسائل معاشقه و مغازلهاش را فراهم نکند؛ نادانسته فرشته زيبا را به کشتن داده است. براي همين است كه يونگ ميگويد: «همه آنچه را كه در خود دارى، شكوفا كن.» فرشتگان و شياطين در وجود ما درهم و برهم و با هماند. فرشته بودن ساده است. شيطان بودن از آن هم سادهتر. اما آدم بودن سخت است. مراعات حال فرشته و شيطان را با هم كردن سخت است. هر كسي که اين نکته را بداند و جدي بگيرد بيهوده نميکوشد دوگانگيها را در خود حذف کند. برعكس ميکوشد آنها را به تعادلي پويا بدل سازد.
سخت است كه آدم با لذت بخورد و بياشامد، به طبيعت و انسانها عشق بورزد، در شاديهاي ساده و طبيعي ديگر آدميان شريك شود، هيچگاه از خواستههاي طبيعي بدن خود شرم نکند و درکنار اينها به هستي، معنويت و انديشه هم بها دهد و به مرگ و رنج بينديشد و آن را بزرگوارانه بپذيرد. به کسي ميانديشم که هيچگاه به خاطر مرگ زندگي را انکار نميکند و هيچگاه به خاطر زندگي مرگ را پنهان نميسازد. انساني که به مرگ و رنج بيش از اندازه ميانديشد، همچون کسي است که بيش از حد لازم به پرتگاه زير پاي خود نگاه ميکند و همين سبب سرگيجه و سقوط او ميشود. آنکس هم که بيش از حد در زندگي غرق ميشود و پيوسته از لذتي به لذتي ديگر ميپرد و در هزارتوي هوس سر ميجنباند، عاقبت همان زندگي را به ويراني خواهد کشاند. او خود اخلاقي و خود فيزيکياش را از دست خواهد داد. بدنش فرسوده خواهد شد و روحش به کار هيچ تعهد و پيماني نخواهد آمد. آنکس که از شرق متنفر است و پيوسته به غرب ميگريزد، روزي خود را در شرق خواهد يافت و آنکس که از غرب ميگريزد و به شرق رو ميکند، روزي غرب را ملاقات خواهد کرد. زمين کروي است. جهان منحني است. به همان نقطه بازميگردي كه رفته بودي.
زندگي مانند يك جاده كوهستاني است. در جاده کوهستاني زندگي رانندگي کن، اما اين را نيز بدان که جاده حد و کرانهاي دارد. حد و کرانه آن پرتگاه است. راننده پيوسته به جاده مينگرد، اما پرتگاه را نيز در حاشيه نگاه خود دارد.
ما هستي را صرفاً در نظامي طولي مينگريم. هستي براي ما سلسله مراتب دارد. از بالا شروع ميشود و به پايين ميآيد. حركت عمودي است:اول لاهوت بعد جبروت سوم ملکوت و آخر ناسوت.
چنين تصويري، ميان ناسوت و لاهوت چنان شکافي ايجاد ميکند که با هيچ ملاطي پر نميشود. در اين تصوير زهد، رهبانيت، بدنستيزي و رياضت سرمشق قرار ميگيرد، اما در همان حال نطفه حسرت و عقده نيز كاشته ميشود. اي کاش ميتوانستيم لاهوت را در ناسوت و ناسوت را در لاهوت ببينيم. ميان قدسي و غيرقدسي، خوب و بد و پاک و ناپاک مرزي قاطع و دقيق نکشيم. همينکه به قول شاعر ژاپني«در چشم سنجاقک کوه فوجي پيداست» انسان را بسنده است. بگذاريد با اين مثال هندي حرفم را تمام كنم. دو فيل نر تنومند هستند كه با هم ميستيزند. عاجهايشان در هم ميرود و سخت به يکديگر فشار ميآورند، اما نيروي آنها هماندازه است. برآيند نيرويشان صفر است. از اين رو به تصويري ساکن تبديل ميشوند. پرندهاي در اين ميانه سر ميرسد و بر عاجهاي اين دو فيل لانهاي ميسازد و در آن تخمي مينهد و به آرامي بر آن ميخوابد. اين هستي است. و ميشود آن را در لذت ديوانهوار يك ليوان آبپرتقال خنك سركشيد. هورت كشيد.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to talk without thinking
Difficult is to refrain the tongue
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
Difficult is to get up...
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt...
Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give
Easy to read this
Difficult to follow
is keep the friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meanings
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes
Easy is to talk without thinking
Difficult is to refrain the tongue
Easy is to hurt someone who loves us.
Difficult is to heal the wound...
Easy is to forgive others
Difficult is to ask for forgiveness
Easy is to set rules.
Difficult is to follow them...
Easy is to dream every night.
Difficult is to fight for a dream...
Easy is to show victory.
Difficult is to assume defeat with dignity...
Easy is to admire a full moon.
Difficult to see the other side...
Easy is to stumble with a stone.
Difficult is to get up...
Easy is to enjoy life every day.
Difficult to give its real value...
Easy is to promise something to someone.
Difficult is to fulfill that promise...
Easy is to say we love.
Difficult is to show it every day...
Easy is to criticize others.
Difficult is to improve oneself...
Easy is to make mistakes.
Difficult is to learn from them...
Easy is to weep for a lost love.
Difficult is to take care of it so not to lose it.
Easy is to think about improving.
Difficult is to stop thinking it and put it into action...
Easy is to think bad of others
Difficult is to give them the benefit of the doubt...
Easy is to receive
Difficult is to give
Easy to read this
Difficult to follow
is keep the friendship with words
Difficult is to keep it with meanings
Friday, June 22, 2007
To read...
The End
Oh yeah alright, are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Ah –
Tomorrow Never Knows
Turn off your mind relax and float down-stream,
It is not dying, it is not dying,
Lay down all thought surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining.
That you may see the meaning of within,
It is speaking, it is speaking,
That love is all and love is ev’ryone,I
t is knowing, it is knowing.
When ignorance and haste may mourn the dead,
It is believing, it is believing,
But listen to the color of your dreams,
is not living, it is not living.
Or play the existence to the end.
Of the beginning, of the beginning.
Of the beginning. Of the beginning.
In My Life
There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed,
Some forever, not for better,
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
With lovers and friends I still can recall,
Some are dead and some are living,
In my life I’ve loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers,
There is no one compared with you,
And these mem’ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new.
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more.
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more.
In my life I love you more.
Oh yeah alright, are you gonna be in my dreams tonight?
And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.
Ah –
Tomorrow Never Knows
Turn off your mind relax and float down-stream,
It is not dying, it is not dying,
Lay down all thought surrender to the void,
It is shining, it is shining.
That you may see the meaning of within,
It is speaking, it is speaking,
That love is all and love is ev’ryone,I
t is knowing, it is knowing.
When ignorance and haste may mourn the dead,
It is believing, it is believing,
But listen to the color of your dreams,
is not living, it is not living.
Or play the existence to the end.
Of the beginning, of the beginning.
Of the beginning. Of the beginning.
In My Life
There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed,
Some forever, not for better,
Some have gone and some remain.
All these places had their moments,
With lovers and friends I still can recall,
Some are dead and some are living,
In my life I’ve loved them all.
But of all these friends and lovers,
There is no one compared with you,
And these mem’ries lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new.
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more.
Though I know I’ll never lose affection
For people and things that went before,
I know I’ll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more.
In my life I love you more.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Again Everything...
· Half a truth is often a great lie: Benjamin Franklin
· "The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt.... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary.": George Orwell in the book 1984
· Like the effect of advertising upon the customer, the methods of political propaganda tend to increase the feeling of insignificance of the individual voter: Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst and social philosopher, 1900-1980
· Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere: Martin Luther King, Jr. : 1929-1968
· To sin is a human business, to justify sins is a devilish business: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy : Russian author, 1828-1910
· In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments : Napoleon Bonaparte : (1769-1821)
· In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful : Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy : Russian author, 1828-1910
· Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens : Plato : Ancient Greek philosopher (428/427-348/347 B.C.)
· As long as we hate, there will be people to hate: George Harrison: Musician, producer and composer, member of The Beatles, 1943-2001
· You got to be tough if you're going to be stupid.- Slee
· All we are is dust in the wind, dude.- Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
· "Sex without love is an empty gesture. But, as empty gestures go, it is one of the best." - Woody Allen
· Choose a job that you like and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius
· "The process [of mass-media deception] has to be conscious, or it would not be carried out with sufficient precision, but it also has to be unconscious, or it would bring with it a feeling of falsity and hence of guilt.... To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them, to forget any fact that has become inconvenient, and then, when it becomes necessary again, to draw it back from oblivion for just so long as it is needed, to deny the existence of objective reality and all the while to take account of the reality which one denies - all this is indispensably necessary.": George Orwell in the book 1984
· Like the effect of advertising upon the customer, the methods of political propaganda tend to increase the feeling of insignificance of the individual voter: Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst and social philosopher, 1900-1980
· Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere: Martin Luther King, Jr. : 1929-1968
· To sin is a human business, to justify sins is a devilish business: Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy : Russian author, 1828-1910
· In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments : Napoleon Bonaparte : (1769-1821)
· In all history there is no war which was not hatched by the governments, the governments alone, independent of the interests of the people, to whom war is always pernicious even when successful : Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy : Russian author, 1828-1910
· Justice in the life and conduct of the State is possible only as first it resides in the hearts and souls of the citizens : Plato : Ancient Greek philosopher (428/427-348/347 B.C.)
· As long as we hate, there will be people to hate: George Harrison: Musician, producer and composer, member of The Beatles, 1943-2001
· You got to be tough if you're going to be stupid.- Slee
· All we are is dust in the wind, dude.- Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
· "Sex without love is an empty gesture. But, as empty gestures go, it is one of the best." - Woody Allen
· Choose a job that you like and you will never have to work a day in your life.- Confucius
Saturday, June 9, 2007
* You can get more of what you want with a kind word and a gun than you can with just a kind word.- Al Capone
* I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken.- Unknown
* "And in the end, the love you takeIs equal to the love you make..."- From The End by The Beatles
* "Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them." : H.L. Mencken
* "The ordinary man is passive. Within a narrow circle, home life, and perhaps the trade unions or local politics, he feels himself master of his fate. But otherwise he simply lies down and lets things happen to him." - George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author Source: Inside the Whale, 1940
* Management cannot dictate creativity.Management cannot force loyalty.Management must create an atmosphere that fosters loyalty and encourages creativity.- Tony Calabrese
* Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.- Judy Garland
* The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.- from The Cable Guy
* Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.: Edward Abbey
* "When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed: Ayn Rand - (1905-1982) Author - Source: Atlas Shrugged, Francisco's "Money Speech"
* "Were the talents and virtues which heaven has bestowed on men given merely to make them more obedient drudges, to be sacrificed to the follies and ambition of a few? Or, were not the noble gifts so equally dispensed with a divine purpose and law, that they should as nearly as possible be equally exerted, and the blessings of Providence be equally enjoyed by all? -- Samuel Adams - (1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
* Hope is the most exciting thing in life. If you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.- Josh Hartnett
* How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?: Dwight D. Eisenhower
* I'm never wrong. I once thought I was wrong, turns out, I was mistaken.- Unknown
* "And in the end, the love you takeIs equal to the love you make..."- From The End by The Beatles
* "Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. They must be urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them." : H.L. Mencken
* "The ordinary man is passive. Within a narrow circle, home life, and perhaps the trade unions or local politics, he feels himself master of his fate. But otherwise he simply lies down and lets things happen to him." - George Orwell [Eric Arthur Blair] (1903-1950) British author Source: Inside the Whale, 1940
* Management cannot dictate creativity.Management cannot force loyalty.Management must create an atmosphere that fosters loyalty and encourages creativity.- Tony Calabrese
* Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.- Judy Garland
* The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.- from The Cable Guy
* Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.: Edward Abbey
* "When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed: Ayn Rand - (1905-1982) Author - Source: Atlas Shrugged, Francisco's "Money Speech"
* "Were the talents and virtues which heaven has bestowed on men given merely to make them more obedient drudges, to be sacrificed to the follies and ambition of a few? Or, were not the noble gifts so equally dispensed with a divine purpose and law, that they should as nearly as possible be equally exerted, and the blessings of Providence be equally enjoyed by all? -- Samuel Adams - (1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
* Hope is the most exciting thing in life. If you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.- Josh Hartnett
* How far you can go without destroying from within what you are trying to defend from without?: Dwight D. Eisenhower
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
... این خیابان امن نیست
حوریه ملکی – مجله ی دنیای زنان
دخترک کیفش را روی دوشش می اندازد و خسته از یک روز کاری پای به خیابان می گذارد تا راهی خانه شود. .درخیابان خبر از تاکسی نیست
دخترک کیفش را روی دوشش می اندازد و خسته از یک روز کاری پای به خیابان می گذارد تا راهی خانه شود. .درخیابان خبر از تاکسی نیست
...حرف های مادر را مرور می کند
"عزیزم یا سوار اتوبوس شو یا با تاکسی بیا ... سوار ماشین های شخصی نشی ها، اعتباری به اونا نیست ...سرتو بنداز پایین و به هیچ کی توجه نکن .... دختر که خوب و سالن باشه، هیچ کس جرات حرف زدن پیدا نمی کنه ..."
دخترک سرش را پایین انداخته، به کسی توجه نمی کند و منتظر تاکسی است اما کسی به نجابت و سر به زیری او توجه نمی کند! ا
یک پیکان مدل پایین کنارش توقف می کند : ".... برسونمت خانم ...؟ افتخار نمی دین...؟"
.پشت سر او یک پژو و یک رنو، دو پیکان، یک وانت ... و قطاری از خودروها دست شده
دخترک سرش را پایین انداخته، به کسی توجه نمی کند و منتظر تاکسی است اما کسی به نجابت و سر به زیری او توجه نمی کند! ا
یک پیکان مدل پایین کنارش توقف می کند : ".... برسونمت خانم ...؟ افتخار نمی دین...؟"
.پشت سر او یک پژو و یک رنو، دو پیکان، یک وانت ... و قطاری از خودروها دست شده
.دخترک برای رهایی از دست آن ها در امتداد خیابان حرکت می کند
.موتورسیکلتی با دو سرنشین کنارش ترمز می کند
.بغض دخترک می ترکد
.بغض دخترک می ترکد
"... حیف نیست اون چشای قشنگ خیس بشن...؟" این جمله را پسر جوانی که در پیاده روست می گوید
دخترک اشک ریزان به راه خود ادامه می دهد. او به این وضع باید عادت کند. این خیابان امن نیست. اینجا خیابانی است که در هر نقطه از شهر ده ها خیابان مثل آن وجود دارند
دخترک اشک ریزان به راه خود ادامه می دهد. او به این وضع باید عادت کند. این خیابان امن نیست. اینجا خیابانی است که در هر نقطه از شهر ده ها خیابان مثل آن وجود دارند
هر زن یا دختری در جوامع شهری به میزان مسافتی که طی می کند یا مدت حضورش در سطح خیابان ها بین یک تا بیست بار در معرض مزاحمت های کلامی و فیزیکی از سوی مردان مورد آزار و اذیت قرار می گیرد.ا
انواع و اقسام کلمت رکیک، مزاحمت ها، بوق زدن ها، چراغ زدن ها، ترمز کردن ها، تنه زدن ها، پیشنهادات رکیک ومزاحمت های مشابه در محیط های مجازی و اینترنت را باید هر زن و دختری تحمل کند و حتی اگر قصد برخورد و مقابله داشته باشد، توسط بسیاری از مردم جامعه متهم و یا به استهزا گرفته می شود. تا جایی که دیگر هیچ زن و دختر جوان و یا مسنی از این عمل ناپسند که امروزه بسیار فراگیر و تبدیل به یک رفتار اجتماعی شده است، در امان نیست. ا
البته با توجه به محدودیت هایی که برای زنان و دختران در اجتماع ما به منظور عدم پیگیری توسط مراجع قضایی و انتظامی با این امر و یا برخورد با پدیده ی مزاحمت های خیابانی وجود دارد، زنان روز به روز سرخورذه تر و برخی مردان لحظه به لحظه گستاخ تر می شوند.ا
پدیده ی مردان خیابانی در زمره ی فجایعی قلمداد می شود که طی سال های اخیر به عنوان آتشی زیر خاکستر، بسیاری از خانواده ها را به کام نابودی کشانده است.ا
متاسفانه امروزه حتی دختران دانش آموز هم در راه رفتن یا برگشتن از مدرسه از دست آزارهای مردان خیابانی در امان نیستند. البته فقط دختران جوان مورد هدف نیستند، زیرا مزاحمان خیابانی بدون هیچ تفکیکی حتی زنان مسن و سالخورده را نیز مورد آزار قرار می دهند.ا
لیلا، کارشناس مدیریت، معتقد است: "در هر کجا که حضور داریم باید وجود آنها را تحمل کنیم بدون این که قدرت اعتراض داشته باشیم و در صورت اعتراض، احترام خود را در جمع از دست می دهیم. به طوری که اگر در محل کار نیز چنین مشکلی با همکاران داشته باشیم، در صورت اعتراض، خودمان متهم می شویم."ا
در یک نظرسنجی که از دختران صورت گرفتخ است، آنان بیش از 70 درصد پسران را در رواج فساد و ایجاد مزاحمت های خیابانی مقصر می دانند. ا
واژه ی "مردان خیابانی" اذهان را به سمت افرادی مسن و جا افتاده می کشاند اما این مردان! معمولاً بین 80-15 سال سن دارن و همان طوری که هیچ محدودیت سنی یی برای ایجاد مزاحمت ندارند، هیچ محدودیت مکانی، زمان، او ... هم ندارند. در میان این مردان کارگر، کارمند، مدیر، پولدار، دانشجو، بی کار، بی سواد و مردان دارای ظاهر و موقعیت اجتماعی مقبول هم وجود دارد.ا
در چند سال اخیر، پرداختن به پدیده ی "زنان خیابانی" بیشتر شده، به طوری که هر چند وقت یک بار مسوولان و کارشناسان از تعداد این زنان، مشکلات و عواملی که باعث روی آوردن آن ها به این کار شده صحبت هایی می کنند. اما تا به حال امکان نداشته حرفی از پدیده ی "مردان خیابانی" به میان آید و یا از مردانی نام برده شود که باعث ایجاد پدیده ی زنان خیابانی شده اند. از دیدگاه آسیب شناسی اجتماعی، بدون در نظر گرفتن مشاغل کاذبی همچون دست فروشی و دوره گردی، هر فردی که ساعاتی از طول شبانه روز را به دنبال تنوع و لذت طلبی در خیابان ها سرگردان شود، فردی خیابانی تلقی می شود. ا
"مردان دو برابر زنان"
مردان خیابانی افرادی بی قید به ارزش های اجتماعی و اخلاقی هستند که هیچ گونه تعهدی نسبت به زندگی و خانواده خویش ندارند و در پوشش مشاغل و پست های مختلف جای گرفته اند. موقعیت یا شغل خاص نه تنها برای آن ها محدودیت ایجاد نمی کند، بلکه یک امتیاز به شمار می آید. مردان خیابانی به عنوان بستر سازان پدیده ی فحشا، دو برابر زنان گزارش شده اند.امروزه با طرح بحثی در خصوص فحشا، اذهان عمومی در جامعه متوجه زنان می شود. ا
سن مردانی که اقدام به رفتارهای پرخطر می کنند بین 55-15 سال عنوان شده است و علت عمده ی این مساله، توانایی مالی و امکانات در دسترس آنان است. افراد کمتر از 25 سال به علت عدم دسترسی به پول کافی، امکانات لازم و موقعیت خوب، کمتر به رفتارهای پرخطر و یا نزدیکی با زنان ویزه دست می زنند .و به همان مزاحمت های خیابانی بسنده می کنند. بنابراین میزان مردان خیابانی در سنین بالا بسیار بیشتر از دیگر سنین است. این افراد معمولاً به دنبال ارضای جنسی و تنوع طلبی خود بوده و این امر به ناهنجاری های روحی و جسمی ی آنان مربوط می شود که حتی گاهی به صورت تجاوز به دختران و پسران خردسال نمایان می شود.ا
انواع و اقسام کلمت رکیک، مزاحمت ها، بوق زدن ها، چراغ زدن ها، ترمز کردن ها، تنه زدن ها، پیشنهادات رکیک ومزاحمت های مشابه در محیط های مجازی و اینترنت را باید هر زن و دختری تحمل کند و حتی اگر قصد برخورد و مقابله داشته باشد، توسط بسیاری از مردم جامعه متهم و یا به استهزا گرفته می شود. تا جایی که دیگر هیچ زن و دختر جوان و یا مسنی از این عمل ناپسند که امروزه بسیار فراگیر و تبدیل به یک رفتار اجتماعی شده است، در امان نیست. ا
البته با توجه به محدودیت هایی که برای زنان و دختران در اجتماع ما به منظور عدم پیگیری توسط مراجع قضایی و انتظامی با این امر و یا برخورد با پدیده ی مزاحمت های خیابانی وجود دارد، زنان روز به روز سرخورذه تر و برخی مردان لحظه به لحظه گستاخ تر می شوند.ا
پدیده ی مردان خیابانی در زمره ی فجایعی قلمداد می شود که طی سال های اخیر به عنوان آتشی زیر خاکستر، بسیاری از خانواده ها را به کام نابودی کشانده است.ا
متاسفانه امروزه حتی دختران دانش آموز هم در راه رفتن یا برگشتن از مدرسه از دست آزارهای مردان خیابانی در امان نیستند. البته فقط دختران جوان مورد هدف نیستند، زیرا مزاحمان خیابانی بدون هیچ تفکیکی حتی زنان مسن و سالخورده را نیز مورد آزار قرار می دهند.ا
لیلا، کارشناس مدیریت، معتقد است: "در هر کجا که حضور داریم باید وجود آنها را تحمل کنیم بدون این که قدرت اعتراض داشته باشیم و در صورت اعتراض، احترام خود را در جمع از دست می دهیم. به طوری که اگر در محل کار نیز چنین مشکلی با همکاران داشته باشیم، در صورت اعتراض، خودمان متهم می شویم."ا
در یک نظرسنجی که از دختران صورت گرفتخ است، آنان بیش از 70 درصد پسران را در رواج فساد و ایجاد مزاحمت های خیابانی مقصر می دانند. ا
واژه ی "مردان خیابانی" اذهان را به سمت افرادی مسن و جا افتاده می کشاند اما این مردان! معمولاً بین 80-15 سال سن دارن و همان طوری که هیچ محدودیت سنی یی برای ایجاد مزاحمت ندارند، هیچ محدودیت مکانی، زمان، او ... هم ندارند. در میان این مردان کارگر، کارمند، مدیر، پولدار، دانشجو، بی کار، بی سواد و مردان دارای ظاهر و موقعیت اجتماعی مقبول هم وجود دارد.ا
در چند سال اخیر، پرداختن به پدیده ی "زنان خیابانی" بیشتر شده، به طوری که هر چند وقت یک بار مسوولان و کارشناسان از تعداد این زنان، مشکلات و عواملی که باعث روی آوردن آن ها به این کار شده صحبت هایی می کنند. اما تا به حال امکان نداشته حرفی از پدیده ی "مردان خیابانی" به میان آید و یا از مردانی نام برده شود که باعث ایجاد پدیده ی زنان خیابانی شده اند. از دیدگاه آسیب شناسی اجتماعی، بدون در نظر گرفتن مشاغل کاذبی همچون دست فروشی و دوره گردی، هر فردی که ساعاتی از طول شبانه روز را به دنبال تنوع و لذت طلبی در خیابان ها سرگردان شود، فردی خیابانی تلقی می شود. ا
"مردان دو برابر زنان"
مردان خیابانی افرادی بی قید به ارزش های اجتماعی و اخلاقی هستند که هیچ گونه تعهدی نسبت به زندگی و خانواده خویش ندارند و در پوشش مشاغل و پست های مختلف جای گرفته اند. موقعیت یا شغل خاص نه تنها برای آن ها محدودیت ایجاد نمی کند، بلکه یک امتیاز به شمار می آید. مردان خیابانی به عنوان بستر سازان پدیده ی فحشا، دو برابر زنان گزارش شده اند.امروزه با طرح بحثی در خصوص فحشا، اذهان عمومی در جامعه متوجه زنان می شود. ا
سن مردانی که اقدام به رفتارهای پرخطر می کنند بین 55-15 سال عنوان شده است و علت عمده ی این مساله، توانایی مالی و امکانات در دسترس آنان است. افراد کمتر از 25 سال به علت عدم دسترسی به پول کافی، امکانات لازم و موقعیت خوب، کمتر به رفتارهای پرخطر و یا نزدیکی با زنان ویزه دست می زنند .و به همان مزاحمت های خیابانی بسنده می کنند. بنابراین میزان مردان خیابانی در سنین بالا بسیار بیشتر از دیگر سنین است. این افراد معمولاً به دنبال ارضای جنسی و تنوع طلبی خود بوده و این امر به ناهنجاری های روحی و جسمی ی آنان مربوط می شود که حتی گاهی به صورت تجاوز به دختران و پسران خردسال نمایان می شود.ا
بنا بر اذعان آسیب شناسان اجتماعی، تعداد مردان خیابانی نسبت به زنان خیابانی بیشتر گزارش می شود، ولی مردان به صورت پنهان و در لایه های مختلف اجتماعی و همچنین در مشاغل گونگون به یافتن سوزه های خویش می پردازند. اخیراً اینترنت و ارتباطات اینترنتی به وسیله ای ذاب برای زنان و دختران و طعمه ای برای دام های این گونه مردان تبدیل شده است. ا
هم اکنون سازمان ها و نهادهای زیادی متولی آسیب های اجتماعی در ایران هستند که با وجود صرف بودجه های کلان، همه روزه شاهد افزایش آسیب ها در اجتماع هستیم. ا
Thursday, May 31, 2007
یادی از زنده یاد فروغ
Some Quotes
"In the general course of human nature, a power over man's substance amounts to a power over his will." -- Alexander Hamilton
"Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." -- Buddha [Gautama Siddharta] (563 - 483 BC),
Management cannot dictate creativity.Management cannot force loyalty.Management must create an atmosphere that fosters loyalty and encourages creativity.- Tony Calabrese
An eye for an eye make the whole world blind.
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.- Judy Garland
The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.- from The Cable Guy
Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.: Edward Abbey -
The current moguls understand that true media power lies not in firing up our outrage, as Hearst did, but in befuddling it or tranquilizing it with new toys. The idea is to render us passive so that they can exercise their power to sell us a bunch of stuff we mostly don't need and mostly don't want. : Richard Schickel - Brill's Content, July/August 2000, p. 122
"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed: Ayn Rand - (1905-1982) Author - Source: Atlas Shrugged, Francisco's "Money Speech"
"Were the talents and virtues which heaven has bestowed on men given merely to make them more obedient drudges, to be sacrificed to the follies and ambition of a few? Or, were not the noble gifts so equally dispensed with a divine purpose and law, that they should as nearly as possible be equally exerted, and the blessings of Providence be equally enjoyed by all? -- Samuel Adams - (1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
"Believe nothing merely because you have been told it. Do not believe what your teacher tells you merely out of respect for the teacher. But whatsoever, after due examination and analysis, you find to be kind, conducive to the good, the benefit, the welfare of all beings -- that doctrine believe and cling to, and take it as your guide." -- Buddha [Gautama Siddharta] (563 - 483 BC),
Management cannot dictate creativity.Management cannot force loyalty.Management must create an atmosphere that fosters loyalty and encourages creativity.- Tony Calabrese
An eye for an eye make the whole world blind.
Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.- Judy Garland
The trouble with real life is that there is no danger music.- from The Cable Guy
Men love their ideas more than their lives. And the more preposterous the idea, the more eager they are to die for it. And to kill for it.: Edward Abbey -
The current moguls understand that true media power lies not in firing up our outrage, as Hearst did, but in befuddling it or tranquilizing it with new toys. The idea is to render us passive so that they can exercise their power to sell us a bunch of stuff we mostly don't need and mostly don't want. : Richard Schickel - Brill's Content, July/August 2000, p. 122
"When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed: Ayn Rand - (1905-1982) Author - Source: Atlas Shrugged, Francisco's "Money Speech"
"Were the talents and virtues which heaven has bestowed on men given merely to make them more obedient drudges, to be sacrificed to the follies and ambition of a few? Or, were not the noble gifts so equally dispensed with a divine purpose and law, that they should as nearly as possible be equally exerted, and the blessings of Providence be equally enjoyed by all? -- Samuel Adams - (1722-1803), was known as the "Father of the American Revolution."
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
...تو را دوست دارم
تو را به جای همه ی کسانی که نشناخته ام دوست می دارم
تو را به جایِ همه ی روزگارانی که نمی زیسته ام دوست می دارم
برای خاطر عطرِ گستره ی بی کران و برایِ خاطرِ عطر نانِ گرم
برای خاطرِ برفی که آب می شود، برای خاطر نخستین گل
برای خاطر جانوران پاکی که آدمی نمی رماندشان
تو را برای خاطر دوست داشتن دوست می دارم
.تو را به جای همه ی کسانی که دوست نمی دارم، دوست می دارم
.جز تو، که مرا می تواند منعکس نماید؟ من خود، خویشتم را بس اندک کی بینم
بی تو جز گستره ی بی کرانه نمی بینم
.میان گذشته و امروز
از جدارِ آیینه ی خویش گذشتن نتوانستم
می بایست تا زنده گی را لغت به لغت فراگیرم
.راست ا ز آن گونه که لغت به لغت از یادش می برند
تو را دوست می دارم برای خاطرِ فرزانه گی ات که از آنِ من نیست
تو را برای خاطرِ سلامت
به رغمِ همه آن چیزها که به جز وهمی نیست دوست می دارم
برای خاطرِ این قلبِ جاودانی که بازش نمی دارم
تو می پنداری که شکی، حال آن که جز دلیلی نیستی
تو همان آفتابِ بزرگی که در سر من بالا می رود
...بدان هنگام که از خویشتن در اطمینان ام
"شعری دیگر از: پل الوار"
هوای تازه
"هوای تازه"
جلو خودم را نگاه کردم
در جمعیت تو را دیدم
میان گندم ها تو را دیدم
.زیر درختی تو را دیدم
در انتهای همه ی سفرهای ام
در عمق همه ی عذاب های ام
در خمِ همه ی خنده ها
،سر بر کرده از آب و آتش
تابستان و زمستان تو را دیدم
در خانه ام تو را دیدم
در آغوش خود تو را دیدم
در رویاهای خود تو را دیدم
... دیگر ترک ات نخواهم کرد
"شعری از: پل الوار"
He who allows oppression, shares the crime." : Erasmus Darwin
=A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself: Joseph Pulitzer
=Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" : John Pierpont Morgan
=We have got rid of the fetish of the divine right of kings, and that slavery is of divine origin and authority. But the divine right of property has taken its place. The tendency plainly is towards .. "a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich." : Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822-1893), U.S. president.
=A cynical, mercenary, demagogic press will produce in time a people as base as itself: Joseph Pulitzer
=Of all forms of tyranny the least attractive and the most vulgar is the tyranny of mere wealth, the tyranny of plutocracy" : John Pierpont Morgan
=We have got rid of the fetish of the divine right of kings, and that slavery is of divine origin and authority. But the divine right of property has taken its place. The tendency plainly is towards .. "a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich." : Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1822-1893), U.S. president.
Monday, May 21, 2007
... کجا بود آن جهان
کجا بود آن جهان
که کنون به خاطرهام راه بر بسته است؟
آتش بازیی بیدریغ شادی و سرشاری
.در نُه توهای بیروزن آن فقر صادق
قصری از آن دست پر نگار و بهآئین
که تنها
سر پناهکی بود و
بوریائی و
کجا شد آن تنعم بیاسباب و خواسته؟
کی گذشت و کجا
کی گذشت و کجا
آن وقعهی ناباور
که نان پارهی ما بردهگان گردنکش را
نان خورشی نبود
چرا که لئامت هر وعدهی گَمِج
بینیازیی هفتهئی بود
که گاه به ماهی میکشید
دزدانه از مرزهای خاطره
و ما راحضور ما
کفایت بود؟
دودی که از اجاق کلبه بر نمیآمد
دودی که از اجاق کلبه بر نمیآمد
نه نشانهی خاموشیی دیگدان
که تاراندن شورچشمان را
کلکی بود
تن از سرمستیی جان تغذیه میکرد
.چنان که پروانه از طراوت گل
و ما دو
دست در انبان جادوئیی شاه سلیمان
بیتابترین گرسنهگان را
در خوانچههای رنگین کمان
.ضیافت میکردیم
هنوز آسمان از انعکاس هلهلهي ستایش ما
(که بیادعاتر کسانایم)
.سنگین است
این آتشبازیی بیدریغ
چراغان حرمت کیست؟
لیکن خدای را
لیکن خدای را
با من بگوی کجا شد آن قصر پر نگار بهآئین
که کنون
زندان زندهبیزاریست
و هر صبح و شامام
در ویرانههایاش
.به رگبارِ نفرت میبندند
کجائی تو؟
کهام من؟
و جغرافیای ماکجاست؟
احمد شاملو - 25 بهمن 1364
Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of government. The history of liberty is the history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of the limitation of governmental power, not the increase of it: Woodrow Wilson
=The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same: Marie Beyle
=The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing: John Adams
=To change masters is not to be free: Jose Marti y Perez
=If men use their liberty in such a way as to surrender their liberty, are they thereafter any the less slaves? If people by a plebiscite elect a man despot over them, do they remain free because the despotism was of their own making?: Herbert Spencer.
=Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction: Blaise Pascal
=The shepherd always tries to persuade the sheep that their interests and his own are the same: Marie Beyle
=The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing: John Adams
=To change masters is not to be free: Jose Marti y Perez
=If men use their liberty in such a way as to surrender their liberty, are they thereafter any the less slaves? If people by a plebiscite elect a man despot over them, do they remain free because the despotism was of their own making?: Herbert Spencer.
=Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction: Blaise Pascal
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Ecerything Burns..
Artist: Anastacia
Album: Pieces Of A Dream
Year: 2005
Title: Everything Burns
She sits in her corner
Singing herself to sleep
Wrapped in all of the promises
That no one seems to keep
She no longer cries to herself,
No tears left to wash away Just diaries of empty pages,
Feelings gone astray
But she will sing
'Till everything burns
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this hate
And all of this pain
I'll burn it all down
As my anger reigns
'Till everything burns
Ooh, oh
Walking through life unnoticed
Knowing that no one cares
Too consumed in their masquerade
No one sees her there
And still she sings
'Till everything burns
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this hate
And all of this pain
Burn it all down
As my anger reigns
'Till everything burns
Everything burns
(Everything burns)
Everything burns
Watching it all fade away
(All fade away)
Everyone screams
Everyone screams..
(Watching it all fade away)
Oooh, ooh..
(While everyone screams)
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
(All of this hate)
And all of this pain
I'll burn it all down
As my anger reigns
Til everything burns
(Everything burns)
Watching it all fade away
(Oooh, ooh)
(Everything burns)
Watching it all fade away...
دو شعر از: غاده السمان
چیزی مسخره در دوستی ماست؛
از من می خواهی که
جامه ی "کریستین دیور" بر تن کنم،
خود را به عطر شاهزاده ی "موناکو" عطرآگین سازم،
و دایره المعارف "بریتانیکا" را حفظ کنم،
و به موسیقی یِ "یوهان برامس" گوش فرا دهم،
به شرط این که:
هم مانند مادر بزرگ ام بیندیشم!!!
از من می خواهی که پژوهش گری چون "مادام کوری" باشم،
چون "مادونا" و رقاصه ای دیوانه در شب سال نو؛چونان "لوکریس بورگیا" ،
و زنی عارف باشم چون "رابعه عدویه"...؟!
اما فراموش کردی که به من بگویی:
چه گونه...
"جدایی از صمیم قلب"
این که با تو باشم و با من باشی
و با هم نباشیم،
جدایی همین است.
این که یک خانه ما را در بر می گیرد،
اما یک ستاره ما را در خود جای نمی دهد؛
جدایی همین است.
این که قلب ام اتاقی شد
خاموش کننده ی صداها با دیوارهای مضاعف،
و تو آن را به چشم ندیدی،
جدایی همین است.
این که در درون جسم ات،
تو را جست و جو کنم
و آوای ات را در درون سخنان ات،
جست و جو کنم
و ضربان نبض ات را در میان دستان ات،
جست و جو کنم...
جدایی همین است....
از من می خواهی که
جامه ی "کریستین دیور" بر تن کنم،
خود را به عطر شاهزاده ی "موناکو" عطرآگین سازم،
و دایره المعارف "بریتانیکا" را حفظ کنم،
و به موسیقی یِ "یوهان برامس" گوش فرا دهم،
به شرط این که:
هم مانند مادر بزرگ ام بیندیشم!!!
از من می خواهی که پژوهش گری چون "مادام کوری" باشم،
چون "مادونا" و رقاصه ای دیوانه در شب سال نو؛چونان "لوکریس بورگیا" ،
و زنی عارف باشم چون "رابعه عدویه"...؟!
اما فراموش کردی که به من بگویی:
چه گونه...
"جدایی از صمیم قلب"
این که با تو باشم و با من باشی
و با هم نباشیم،
جدایی همین است.
این که یک خانه ما را در بر می گیرد،
اما یک ستاره ما را در خود جای نمی دهد؛
جدایی همین است.
این که قلب ام اتاقی شد
خاموش کننده ی صداها با دیوارهای مضاعف،
و تو آن را به چشم ندیدی،
جدایی همین است.
این که در درون جسم ات،
تو را جست و جو کنم
و آوای ات را در درون سخنان ات،
جست و جو کنم
و ضربان نبض ات را در میان دستان ات،
جست و جو کنم...
جدایی همین است....
قطعه ای از: فریدون مشیری
بي تو، مهتابشبي، باز از آن كوچه گذشتم،
همه تن چشم شدم، خيره به دنبال تو گشتم،
شوق ديدار تو لبريز شد از جام وجودم،
شدم آن عاشق ديوانه كه بودم.
در نهان خانه ی جانم، گل ياد تو، درخشيد
باغ صد خاطره خنديد،
عطر صد خاطره پيچيد:
يادم آمد كه شبي باهم از آن كوچه گذشتيم
پر گشوديم و در آن خلوت دلخواسته گشتيم
ساعتي بر لب آن جوي نشستيم.
تو، همه راز جهان ريخته در چشم سياه ات.
من همه، محو تماشاي نگاه ات.
آسمان صاف و شب آرام
بخت خندان و زمان رام
خوشه ی ماه فروريخته در آب
شاخهها دست برآورده به مهتاب
شب و صحرا و گل و سنگ
همه دل داده به آواز شباهنگ
يادم آيد، تو به من گفتي
از اين عشق حذر كن
لحظهاي چند بر اين آب نظر كن،
آب، آيينه ی عشق گذران است،
تو كه امروز نگاه ات به نگاهي نگران است،
باش فردا، كه دل ات با دگران است!
تا فراموش كني، چندي از اين شهر سفر كن!
با تو گفتم:” حذر از عشق!؟ - ندانم
سفر از پيش تو؟ هرگز نتوانم،
روز اول، كه دل من به تمناي تو پر زد،
چون كبوتر، لب بام تو نشستم
تو به من سنگ زدي، من نه رميدم، نه گسستم
باز گفتم كه : ” تو صيادي و من آهوي دشتم
تا به دام تو درافتم همه جا گشتم و گشتم
حذر از عشق ندانم، نتوانم! “
اشكي از شاخه فرو ريخت
مرغ شب، ناله ی تلخي زد و بگريخت
اشك در چشم تو لرزيد،
ماه بر عشق تو خنديد!
يادم آيد كه : دگر از تو جوابي نشنيدم
پاي در دامن اندوه كشيدم.
نگسستم، نرميدم.
رفت در ظلمت غم، آن شب و شبهاي دگر هم،
نه گرفتي دگر از عاشق آزرده خبر هم،
نه كني ديگر از آن كوچه گذر هم
بي تو، اما، به چه حالي من از آن كوچه گذشتم!
Feeling like Anastacia ...
Artist: Anastacia
Album: Anastacia
Song: Heavy On My Heart
I try to fly away but it's
And every breath I take gives birth to deeper
And for a moment I am weak So it's hard for me to speak
Even though we're underneath the same blue sky
If I could paint a picture of this melody
It would be a violin without its strings
And the canvas in my mind Sings the songs
I left behind Like pretty flowers and a sunset
It's heavy on my heart
I can't make it alone Heavy on my heart
I can't find my way home
Heavy on my heart So come and free me
It's so heavy on my heart
I've had my share of pleasure
And I've tasted pain
I never thought that
I would touch an angel's wings
There's a journey in my eyes
It's getting hard for me to hide
Like the ocean at the sunrise
It's heavy on my heart
I can't make it alone
Heavy on my heart
I can't find my way home Heavy on my heart
So come and free me
It's so heavy on my heart
Love, can you find me in the darkness, and love,
Don't let me down
There's a journey in my eyes
It's getting hard for my to hide And I never thought
I'd touch an angel's wings
Album: Anastacia
Song: Heavy On My Heart
I try to fly away but it's
And every breath I take gives birth to deeper
And for a moment I am weak So it's hard for me to speak
Even though we're underneath the same blue sky
If I could paint a picture of this melody
It would be a violin without its strings
And the canvas in my mind Sings the songs
I left behind Like pretty flowers and a sunset
It's heavy on my heart
I can't make it alone Heavy on my heart
I can't find my way home
Heavy on my heart So come and free me
It's so heavy on my heart
I've had my share of pleasure
And I've tasted pain
I never thought that
I would touch an angel's wings
There's a journey in my eyes
It's getting hard for me to hide
Like the ocean at the sunrise
It's heavy on my heart
I can't make it alone
Heavy on my heart
I can't find my way home Heavy on my heart
So come and free me
It's so heavy on my heart
Love, can you find me in the darkness, and love,
Don't let me down
There's a journey in my eyes
It's getting hard for my to hide And I never thought
I'd touch an angel's wings
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Fareidun Moshiri
بهار می شود
یکی دو روزِ دیگر از پگاه
چو چشم باز می کنی
زمانه زیر و زبر
زمینه پر نگار می شود
زمین شکاف می خورد
به دشت سبزه می زند
هر آن چه مانده زیر خاک
هر آن چه خفته زیر برف
جوان و شسته رفته آشکار می شود
به تاج کوه
ز گرمیِ نگاهِ آفتاب
بلور لرف آب می شود
دهان دره ها پر از سرود چشمه سار می شود
نسیم هرزه پو
ز روی لاله هایِ کوه
کنار لانه هایِ هفت رنگ
نفس زنان و خسته می رسد
غریقِ موجِ کشتزار می شود
در آسمان
گروه گله هایِ ابر
ز هر کنار می رسد
بهر کرانه می دود
به روی جلگه ها غبار می شود
درین بهار ... آه
چه یادها
چه حرف های ناتمام
دلِ پر آرزو
چو شاخِ پر شکوفه باردادر می شود
نگار من
امید نوبهار من
لبی به خنده باز کن
ببین چه گونه از گلی
خزانِ باغِ ما بهار می شود.
یکی دو روزِ دیگر از پگاه
چو چشم باز می کنی
زمانه زیر و زبر
زمینه پر نگار می شود
زمین شکاف می خورد
به دشت سبزه می زند
هر آن چه مانده زیر خاک
هر آن چه خفته زیر برف
جوان و شسته رفته آشکار می شود
به تاج کوه
ز گرمیِ نگاهِ آفتاب
بلور لرف آب می شود
دهان دره ها پر از سرود چشمه سار می شود
نسیم هرزه پو
ز روی لاله هایِ کوه
کنار لانه هایِ هفت رنگ
نفس زنان و خسته می رسد
غریقِ موجِ کشتزار می شود
در آسمان
گروه گله هایِ ابر
ز هر کنار می رسد
بهر کرانه می دود
به روی جلگه ها غبار می شود
درین بهار ... آه
چه یادها
چه حرف های ناتمام
دلِ پر آرزو
چو شاخِ پر شکوفه باردادر می شود
نگار من
امید نوبهار من
لبی به خنده باز کن
ببین چه گونه از گلی
خزانِ باغِ ما بهار می شود.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
راهي آسانتر براي حذف
جادی ميرميراني
برگرفته از مجله ی زنان- بهمن 1385
درسالهاي اولية ورود اينترنت به ايران، دولت نظارت کمي بر آن داشت و بسياري از شرکتهاي خصوصي و کوچک، با خريد اشتراک اينترنت از کشورهاي ديگر، آن را در اختيار کاربران قرار ميدادند. بعد از چند سال که دولت تصميم به نظارت بر اينترنت گرفت، در اولين گام، اين شرکتها را مجبور به خريد اشتراک اينترنت از شرکت مخابرات و بعد از مدتي، مجبور به لغو اشتراکهاي خارجيشان کرد. پس از آنكه تمام خطوط ورود اينترنت به کشور در اختيار دولت قرار گرفت، فيلتر ميتوانست اعمال شود. اوايل، چند سايت پورنو و كمي بعد چند سايت خبري فيلتر شد، اما کمکم دايرة سايتهاي فيلترشده گسترش پيدا کرد و سايتهاي نوخاسته و پرمخاطب زنان را نيز دربرگرفت. پرمخاطب به اين جهت که در ايران، سالها زنان از دايرة اخبار دور بودند و اتفاقات مهم را مردان و براي مردان ايجاد و مخابره ميكردند. اما ظهور اينترنت و امکان داشتن سايتهاي خبري و تحليلي، اين وضعيت را تغيير داده و ديگر اين امکان بهوجود آمده بود که زنان اخبار خودشان را در رسانهاي آزاد منعکس کنند، و همين اخبار شروع به جذب خوانندههاي خاص خودش کرد. نتيجه اين شد که برخلاف تلقي سنتيِ دور بودن زنان و دختران از تکنولوژي، زنان بسياري جذب اين رسانة جديد شدند و شروع به خبرگيري و خبردهي از طريق آن کردند. اين فعاليتهاي فردي کمکم شکل جمعي به خود گرفت و سايتهايي چون و از اولين سايتهاي انعكاسدهندة اخبار و مطالب مربوط به زنان بودند که توانستند مخاطبان بسياري را جذب و عملاً چشمها را به واقعيتهايي که زنان با آنها درگير بودند باز کنند. امواج اين آگاهي جديد اما با تفكري بسته و سنتي روبهرو شد. تفكري كه زنان را همچنان سوژهاي جنسي تلقي ميكرد و مسائل زنان را در زمرة امور مبتذل قرار ميداد. بنابراين، درحاليكه فعالان امور زنان انديشههاي برابريخواهانه را تكثير و سايتهاي سازمانهاي فعال در اين حوزه تلاش ميکردند مشکلات زنان را انعکاس دهند، كلمههاي «زنان»، «جنسيت» و واژههاي مشابه، در روش فيلتر كردن كلمهاي سايتهاي اينترنتي، جزو لغات اصلي قرار گرفتند.
روش فني فيلتر كردن در ايران و حضور مسائل زنان در آندر ايران، نرمافزارهاي فيلتر كردن در دو سطح نصب شدهاند. در سطح اول، کل جريان اينترنت ورودي به کشور در مراکز مخابراتي كنترل ميشود و سپس اين اينترنت كنترلشده بين شرکتهايي که اينترنت را در اختيار کاربران قرار ميدهند توزيع ميشود. البته همين شرکتها هم موظفاند در سطح خودشان فيلتر ديگري سر راه اطلاعاتي که به مشترک ميفروشند قرار دهند. معمولاً فيلتر سطح اول (ورودي به کشور) سختگيري کمتري دارد و به سايتهاي بيشتري اجازة عبور ميدهد. ولي در مقابل، فيلتر سطح دوم (درون ISP يا رساها) بسيار سختگير است و فهرست اعلامي شركت مخابرات، قوة قضاييه و... در آن مدنظر قرار ميگيرد. علاوه بر اين، کلماتي که بايد سانسور شوند نيز در همين سطح به شرکتهاي خدمات اينترنت اعلام و آنها موظف به ممانعت از جستوجوي کاربران براي دستيابي به اين كلمات ميشوند. دليل سهلگيرتر بودن فيلتر سطح اول (سطح ورودي به کشور) هيچگاه رسماً اعلام نشده، ولي بهنظر ميرسد که دولت فکر ميکند فقط در قبال اين فيلتر پاسخگوست. به همين دليل سعي شده بيشتر حجم فيلتر، ازجمله فيلتر کلمات، بر عهدة شرکتهاي ارائهدهندة خدمات گذاشته شود. البته از نظر فني، دوسطحي كردن فيلتر لازم است زيرا انتقال كل جريان اطلاعات به كشور در يك مرحله، باعث كندي بيش از حد و بروز مشكلات فني بسيار ميشود.زنان و مسائل مربوط به آنها در هر دو سطح و در هر دو شيوه (فيلتر براساس نشاني سايت يا براساس کلمة مورد جستوجو) تحت كنترل بودهاند. حضور تعداد بسيار زيادي از سايتهاي زنان در فهرست فيلتر سطح اول به اين معناست که دولت تصميم گرفته است مسئوليت پاسخگويي در قبال آن را بپذيرد، چنانكه حجم زيادي از سايتهاي خبري مربوط به زنان و سايت بسياري از انجمنهاي فعال در زمينة حقوق زنان و همچنين وبلاگ بسياري از زنان در اين سطح سانسور شدهاند. زنان در زمينة سانسور واژهاي نيز بسيار زير فشارند. بهنظر ميرسد كه در تنظيم فهرست کلمات مورد نظر براي فيلتر، برداشتي جنسي از تمام کلمات وجود داشته است و حتي کلماتي همچون برده (Slave)، حمام (bath) و گوشت (meat) نيز احتمالاً مسائل جنسي را به ذهن فرد يا گروه ناظر متبادر کرده و اينگونه واژهها هم فيلتر شدهاند. با در نظر گرفتن چنين ذهنيتي، ديگر نبايد از فيلتر شدن کلمة women (زنان) و بسياري کلمات ديگر مربوط به زنان همچون پريود يا پستان تعجب کرد.
فيلتر سايتهاي مربوط به زنانجدا از انواع و اقسام سايتها و کلمات فيلترشده در اينترنت، كه شامل انواع سايتهاي سياسي، خبري، ديني، زنان و... ميشود، فيلتر «زنان» را ميتوان در چهار حوزه بررسي کرد: وبلاگهاي زنان، سايتهاي انعکاسدهندة اخبار زنان، سايتهاي مربوط به زنان، و کلمات مرتبط با زنان.در حوزة اول، زنان از اصليترين گروههايي بودند که ابزار سادة وبلاگنويسي را براي مقاصد خود برگزيدند. هدف بسياري از آنان بسيار ساده و ابتدايي بود: اعلام وجود. با ظهور وبلاگ و اين امکان که هرکس بهسادگي عقايد، شرح زندگي و خواستهايش را در دسترس ديگران بگذارد، زنان شروع کردند به نوعي اعلام وجود در جامعه. به اين ترتيب، ديگر کسي نميتوانست زنان را مخفي کند، آنها را از روند توليد اطلاعات کنار بگذارد يا حضور و نظرشان را نفي کند. زنان و دختران گاهي با اسم اصلي و گاهي با اسم مستعار و گاهي بدون اسم مينوشتند. شايد مشهورترين نمونة وبلاگهاي آن روزها، ندا بود که در نشاني مينوشت و خورشيد خانم به نشاني که هنوز هم فعال است. نويسندة وبلاگ ندا از کساني بود که هيچوقت سعي نکرد هويت خودش را مخفي کند. البته زندگي در سوئيس حاشية اطميناني براي نويسنده ايجاد ميکرد تا راحتتر بنويسد، ولي از اين حاشية اطمينان نيز در برابر فشار فيلتر کاري ساخته نبود. ندا از اولين وبلاگنويسان زن بود كه قرباني فيلتر كردن در ايران شد. فيلتر نوشتههاي زني که جرئت کرده بود با استفاده از ابزاري كه پيشتر در اختيار مردان بود، خواستههاي خود را بيان كند، ظاهراً در محدودة اهداف فيلتر كردن در ايران بود.زنان در وبلاگها از زندگي روزمرهشان و از عقايدشان مينوشتند و بعضيها هم از زن بودنشان. تعدادي عاشق بودند و سخن گفتن از عشق شايد جرمي نابخشودني بود، برخي مشکلاتشان را ميگفتند و بسياري از مشکلات وابسته به سنتها و نظام حاكم بر فرهنگ کشور بود، بعضيها از زندگي روزمرهشان مينوشتند ولي زندگي روزمرة آنها با الگوهاي ارائهشده فرق داشت. به همين دلايل، از بيش از هزار وبلاگ فيلترشده، حجم قابل توجهي مربوط به زنان و مسائل آنان است. بخصوص اين روزها که افراد از وبلاگهايشان براي خبررساني نيز استفاده ميکنند. در خصوص سايتهاي انعکاسدهندة اخبار زنان، شايد در کمتر از يک سال پس از شروع به کار وبلاگها، اولين سايتهاي خبري اختصاصي زنان شروع به کار کردند. اين سايتها خلأ مربوط به اخبار زنان و تحليلهاي زنان دربارة مشکلاتشان را پر ميکردند. اولين اين سايتها شايد بود که تا امروز هم فعاليتهايش را با افت و خيزهايي پيگيري کرده است. سايت مشهور ديگري از اين دست تريبون فمينيستي بود. هر دو اين سايتها مدت کوتاهي بعد از شروع فعاليت خود فيلتر شدند و با تغيير نام و نشاني يا تغيير شکل فعاليت (تغيير سايت به به کار ادامه دادند. دلايل فيلتر سايتها هيچگاه رسماً اعلام نميشود، اما فيلتر شدن اين سايتها را ميتوان به پوشش دادن حجم انبوهي از اخبار و مطالب زنان، که پيش از اين ناديده گرفته ميشد، نسبت داد. دومين دليل فيلتر شدن اين سايتهاي خبري و تحليلي شايد فعاليت گروههاي فعال زنان در اين سايتها و اشاعة انديشة فمينيستي باشد كه مناسبات نابرابر حاكم ميان زنان و مردان را نفي ميكند. اين مسئله در رسانههاي ديگر نيز نمود يافته، بهگونهاي كه تبليغ فمينيسم در سينما رسماً ممنوع اعلام شده است.مجموعة ديگر سايتهايياند كه عمدتاً اطلاعاتي عمومي دربارة مسائل مختلف، ازجمله مسائل زنان دارند. مثلاً سايتهايي وجود دارد دربارة ايدز، سرطان يا اطلاعات پزشكي که بهرغم لزوم آگاهي از آنها، زنان و مردان از دسترسي به آنها محروماند. اين مسئله تا آنجا پيش رفته که سايت صندوق توسعة زنان سازمان ملل به نشاني نيز به جمع سايتهاي فيلترشده پيوسته است. در پاسخ به اعتراضهاي متعدد محققان و پژوهشگران حوزههاي مختلف به فيلتر شدن اين سايتها، معمولاً مسئولان شركت مخابرات دليل قانعكنندهاي ارائه نميدهند. اما خامترين شيوة فيلتر كردن در اينترنت، که تا چندي پيش رايج بود، فيلتر نشانيهاي اينترنتي براساس وجود يک کلمه در آنهاست. همين مسئله دسترسي به سايتهاي دانشگاههاي مطرح و مؤسسات آموزشي و پژوهشي را غيرممكن كرده بود. بسياري از لغات مربوط به جنسيت مشمول اين نوع فيلتر ميشد که مشهورترين آنها کلمة women (زنان) بود. قرار گرفتن اين لغت در فهرست کلمات غيرقابل جستوجو در حالي بود که رشتهاي دانشگاهي در ايران تدريس ميشود با عنوان women studies (مطالعات زنان). واژههاي بسيار ديگري هم در اين فهرست وجود دارد مانند bath (حمام)، period (دوره)، penetration (رخنه) که همه و همه کاربردهاي بسيار وسيعتر يا اصولاً بيارتباط با حوزة مسائل جنسي دارند. ولي وقتي قانونگذار كلمة meat (گوشت) را نيز در حوزة کلمات جنسي ميشناخت و سانسور ميکرد، حضور اين واژهها در فهرست کلمات ممنوعه تعجبآور نبود. سانسور کلمة women چندين بار با شعار «سانسور وقيح است نه زن» از جانب گروههاي مختلف پيگيري شده است. همانطور كه در شمارة گذشتة مجلة زنان نيز آمده بود، مهرشاد شبابي، مشاور فرماندهي كل و مسئول دفتر امور زنان سپاه و رئيس همايش زنان و اينترنت در هزارة سوم، در پاسخ به سؤالات مربوط به فيلتر کلمة women گفت: «در مراحل مقدماتي برگزاري همايش، پنج نشست تخصصي با كارشناسان و مسئولان امر برگزار كرديم. نشست سوم از اين پنج نشست به بحث فيلترينگ اختصاص داده شد. در آن نشست به مسائلي مثل اينكه چرا كلمة زنان در اينترنت فيلتر است پرداخته شد. شوراي سياستگذاري فيلترينگ خبر داد كه اين نقص با استفاده از نرمافزار جديد بهزودي حل خواهد شد و از آن پس ديگر واژههاي عامي مثل زن و جنسيت فيلتر نميشوند.»1اين پاسخ رايجي بود كه پيش از اين نيز داده ميشد: «بهزودي نرمافزار فيلترينگ جديدي خواهيم داشت که ديگر کلمات را فيلتر نميکند»2 و بر اين موضوع نيز تأکيد ميشد که «دليل فيلتر بودن اين کلمه نتايج مستهجن جستوجو به دنبال آن است».3 اين در حالي است كه برخي تحقيقات مستقل انجامشده در ايران مستجهن بودن نتايج جستوجوي کلمة women را نشان نداده است. وانگهي، اگر اين استدلال مبناي تحقيقي دارد، خوب است كه مسئولان تحقيقات منجر به اين نتيجهگيري را در اختيار محققان قرار دهند تا ديگران امكان نقد و بررسي آنها را داشته باشند. به علاوه، تأكيد بر اينكه «يك نرمافزار جديدتر و قويتر براي بهتر سانسور كردن» در راه است، پاسخگوي معترضان به اصل سانسور و فيلتر كردن در اينترنت نيست.■
پينوشتها1) مريم ميرزا، «دسترسي به زن "مجاز نميباشد"»، مجلة زنان، ش 137، آبان 1385، ص 25.2) همان.3)
Sunday, January 28, 2007
"Top Ten" Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2006
Friday, 26 January 2007
By Doctors Without Borders
The ninth annual list also highlights the lack of media attention paid to the plight of people affected by the consequences of conflict in Haiti, Somalia, Colombia, Chechnya, and central India.
New York — The staggering human toll taken by tuberculosis and malnutrition as well as the devastation caused by wars in the Central African Republic (CAR), Sri Lanka, and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), are among the "Top Ten" Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2006, according to the year-end list released today by the international humanitarian medical aid organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
The ninth annual list also highlights the lack of media attention paid to the plight of people affected by the consequences of conflict in Haiti, Somalia, Colombia, Chechnya, and central India.
"Many conflicts worldwide are profoundly affecting millions of people, yet they are almost completely invisible," said MSF Executive Director Nicolas de Torrenté. "Haiti, for example, is just 500 miles from the United States and the plight of the population enduring relentless violence in its volatile capital Port-au-Prince received only half a minute of network coverage in an entire year."
According to Andrew Tyndall, publisher of the online media-tracking journal The Tyndall Report, the 10 countries and contexts highlighted by MSF accounted for just 7.2 minutes of the 14,512 minutes on the three major U.S. television networks' nightly newscasts for 2006. Treating malnutrition, tuberculosis, and Chechnya were mentioned, but only briefly in other stories. Five of the countries highlighted by MSF were never mentioned at all.
The 2006 "Top 10" list also focused on the devastation caused by TB and malnutrition.
The frightening situation of worldwide TB became even worse in 2006 with the detection of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB), a strain that is resistant to both first-line antibiotics and to two classes of second-line drugs. At the same time, none of the TB drugs currently in development, however promising, will be able to drastically improve TB treatment in the near future. "TB destroys millions of lives around the world every year, but we’re not seeing the necessary urgency to tackle the disease," said Dr. Tido von Schoen-Angerer, director of MSF’s Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines.
Hope is on the horizon, though, for malnutrition, with new strategies based on outpatient treatment that relies on ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) like Plumpy’nut showing tremendous promise. Unfortunately, these strategies are not implemented as widely as they could be.
"Acute malnutrition contributes to the deaths of millions of children every year," said de Torrente. "New strategies in treatment of moderate and severe acute malnutrition have helped MSF treat more than 150,000 children in Niger over the past two years. Millions more children throughout the world could benefit if such strategies were more widely implemented."
While the conflicts in the Darfur region of Sudan and in eastern Chad garnered significant media attention in 2006, the steady focus did not translate into improved conditions for people caught up in the conflict. "Even though there was more reporting about Darfur than about other crises, the situation continued to deteriorate to the point where MSF and other aid groups had to scale back their programs," said de Torrenté. "We know that media coverage does not generate improvements on its own. However, it is often a precondition for increased assistance and political attention. There is perhaps nothing worse than being completely neglected and forgotten."
By Doctors Without Borders
The ninth annual list also highlights the lack of media attention paid to the plight of people affected by the consequences of conflict in Haiti, Somalia, Colombia, Chechnya, and central India.
New York — The staggering human toll taken by tuberculosis and malnutrition as well as the devastation caused by wars in the Central African Republic (CAR), Sri Lanka, and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), are among the "Top Ten" Most Underreported Humanitarian Stories of 2006, according to the year-end list released today by the international humanitarian medical aid organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
The ninth annual list also highlights the lack of media attention paid to the plight of people affected by the consequences of conflict in Haiti, Somalia, Colombia, Chechnya, and central India.
"Many conflicts worldwide are profoundly affecting millions of people, yet they are almost completely invisible," said MSF Executive Director Nicolas de Torrenté. "Haiti, for example, is just 500 miles from the United States and the plight of the population enduring relentless violence in its volatile capital Port-au-Prince received only half a minute of network coverage in an entire year."
According to Andrew Tyndall, publisher of the online media-tracking journal The Tyndall Report, the 10 countries and contexts highlighted by MSF accounted for just 7.2 minutes of the 14,512 minutes on the three major U.S. television networks' nightly newscasts for 2006. Treating malnutrition, tuberculosis, and Chechnya were mentioned, but only briefly in other stories. Five of the countries highlighted by MSF were never mentioned at all.
The 2006 "Top 10" list also focused on the devastation caused by TB and malnutrition.
The frightening situation of worldwide TB became even worse in 2006 with the detection of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (XDR TB), a strain that is resistant to both first-line antibiotics and to two classes of second-line drugs. At the same time, none of the TB drugs currently in development, however promising, will be able to drastically improve TB treatment in the near future. "TB destroys millions of lives around the world every year, but we’re not seeing the necessary urgency to tackle the disease," said Dr. Tido von Schoen-Angerer, director of MSF’s Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines.
Hope is on the horizon, though, for malnutrition, with new strategies based on outpatient treatment that relies on ready-to-use therapeutic foods (RUTF) like Plumpy’nut showing tremendous promise. Unfortunately, these strategies are not implemented as widely as they could be.
"Acute malnutrition contributes to the deaths of millions of children every year," said de Torrente. "New strategies in treatment of moderate and severe acute malnutrition have helped MSF treat more than 150,000 children in Niger over the past two years. Millions more children throughout the world could benefit if such strategies were more widely implemented."
While the conflicts in the Darfur region of Sudan and in eastern Chad garnered significant media attention in 2006, the steady focus did not translate into improved conditions for people caught up in the conflict. "Even though there was more reporting about Darfur than about other crises, the situation continued to deteriorate to the point where MSF and other aid groups had to scale back their programs," said de Torrenté. "We know that media coverage does not generate improvements on its own. However, it is often a precondition for increased assistance and political attention. There is perhaps nothing worse than being completely neglected and forgotten."
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Is Globalization on Its Way Out?
by Girish Mishra
January 17, 2007/ZNet
For quite some time, serious doubts have been expressed about the continuance of the present era of globalization, based on the Washington Consensus or neo-liberalism. After John Ralston Saul’s well-argued book, The Collapse of Globalism, Walden Bello has come out with his research paper “The Capitalist Conjuncture: over accumulation, financial crises, and the retreat of globalisation” in the prestigious Third World Quarterly (Vol. 27, No.8, December 2006), underlining that the fortunes of the ongoing globalization have been on the decline.
Professor Bello of the University of Philippines is a well-respected researcher, who was declared as one of the “stars in our human cosmos” by the 2003 jury of the Right Livelihood Award, known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. When such a scholar is skeptic about the continuance of the on-going globalization, he must have solid reasons. Let us see what they are.
In the early 1990s, when the present era of globalization began, it was asserted that its course was irreversible. The New Economy, given birth by revolutionary changes in the sphere of information technology was immune to business cycles. There was no challenge to capitalism because the Soviet Union had collapsed and China had begun adapting itself to the new era. All the national economies were sooner or later going to be integrated into one global entity, and the world was sure to become borderless as nation-state was on its way out. This process could neither be held back nor reversed. The people opposed to this march of history were dubbed as lunatics or modern day Luddites. What is the situation after one and a half decades? No integrated global economy is visible even on the distant horizon. Bello says, “…despite runaway shops and outsourcing, what passes for an international economy remains a collection of national economies. These economies are interdependent, no doubt, but domestic factors still largely determine their dynamics. Globalization, in fact, has reached its high-water mark and is receding.”
When the present era of globalization was on ascendancy, it was declared by propagandists like Thomas L. Friedman from housetops that state policies had become irrelevant and MNCs were going to be domineering and driving force. Yet, the European Union, the US government and the Chinese state are stronger today than what they were a decade and a half ago. The nation- states in Latin America have become more assertive now. The MNCs have to obey their dictates even if they do not like to do so. Bello underlines: “Moreover, state policies that interfere with the market to build up industrial structures or protect employment still make a difference. Indeed, over the past 10 years, interventionist government policies have spelled the difference between development and underdevelopment, prosperity and poverty. Malaysia’s imposition of capital controls during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98 prevented it from unraveling like Thailand or Indonesia. Strict controls also insulated China from the economic collapse engulfing its neighbours.”
When the present era of globalization began, it was asserted that it would lead to the rise of a transnational capitalist elite that would manage the global economy. This new elite would be led by its American component. Thus American dominance would be established. This scheme has, however, failed. National components still maintain their separate identity and are motivated by their national outlook and interests. They do not bother whether their nationalist approach leads to harmful consequences for other nations. The high hopes of the representatives of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO, who met in Singapore in December, 1996 could not be realized. They thought, they were very near the goals of global governance and the imposition of well co-ordinated neo-liberal policies to bring about smooth, technocratic integration of the global economy. Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post, a pro-globalization journalist laments that these hopes have failed to be realized. According to him, “trade liberalization has stalled, aid is less coherent than it should be, and the next financial conflagration will be managed by injured fireman.” Bello thanks, in reality, the situation is worse for the protagonists of globalization. The IMF, a strong pillar of neo-liberalism is defunct. “Knowing how the IMF precipitated and worsened the Asian financial crisis, more and more of the advanced developing countries are refusing to borrow from it or are paying ahead of schedule, with some declaring their intention never to borrow again. These include Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and Argentina. Since the Fund’s budget greatly depends on debt repayment from these big borrowers, this boycott is translating into what one expert describes as ‘a huge squeeze on the budget of the organization.’”
As far as the World Bank is concerned, the legitimacy of its existence is in question, .because, for decades, it imposed on developing countries its structural adjustment policies that brought poverty and sufferings to them. With the grounding of the Doha Round of negotiations, the WTO is losing its credibility and there are no indications that it would be able to take off in the near future.
Bello enumerates a number of factors that have brought globalization to a halt. First, the merits of globalization were overstated. The enthusiasts forgot that the bulk of the production by MNCs is carried on and sold in their countries of origin. There are not many corporations whose activities are widely dispersed over various regions. Second, the national capitalist elites have failed to adopt a truly global outlook and rise above their national interests and considerations. They have competed with one another in increasing their national benefits rather than evolving a rational approach to tackle the problems of over production, stagnation, environmental crisis, liberalization of trade and the free flow of labour. The USA and the European Union have sabotaged the Doha Round because they fear that its successful completion would anger their farmers. None of the developed countries have lifted fully the impediments obstructing the free flow of labour across the globe. In America, one can see how the Hispanics are discriminated against. Obviously, the double standard adopted by the USA has led to doubts in the minds of developing countries as regards its real intentions in championing globalization. To give a concrete example, it adopted somewhat strict attitude towards Enron but was very lenient and soft towards Union Carbide whose negligence resulted in the Bhopal tragedy in which thousands died and many more became condemned to suffer for life from various ailments.
The fact that neo-liberal policies have led to growing inequalities, and unemployment and poverty for certain sections of the society has antagonized people. The obsession with economic growth has resulted in disastrous consequences like ruining the environment and suspending labour laws and curtailing workers’ rights. The bid to eliminate capital controls and make national currencies fully convertible on both current and capital accounts has brought about the collapse of a number of economies. Lastly, the growing resistance by people has frustrated the attempts to foist globalization on all nations unmindful of their specific conditions. “One size fits all” has failed. This is crystal clear in Latin America where pro-globalization dispensations have been democratically overthrown by voters. Read Hugo Chavez’s recent speech and it will be obvious how discredited is current globalization.
Commenting on the attempts by certain people to impart a human face to globalization, Bello says: “Globalization … is a spent force. Today’s multiplying economic and political conflicts resemble, if anything, the period following the end of what historians refer to as the first era of globalization, which extended from 1815 to … 1914. The urgent task is not to steer corporate-driven globalization in a “social democratic” direction but to manage its retreat so that it does not bring about the same chaos and runaway conflicts that marked its demise in that earlier era.”
Girish Mishra,
January 17, 2007/ZNet
For quite some time, serious doubts have been expressed about the continuance of the present era of globalization, based on the Washington Consensus or neo-liberalism. After John Ralston Saul’s well-argued book, The Collapse of Globalism, Walden Bello has come out with his research paper “The Capitalist Conjuncture: over accumulation, financial crises, and the retreat of globalisation” in the prestigious Third World Quarterly (Vol. 27, No.8, December 2006), underlining that the fortunes of the ongoing globalization have been on the decline.
Professor Bello of the University of Philippines is a well-respected researcher, who was declared as one of the “stars in our human cosmos” by the 2003 jury of the Right Livelihood Award, known as the Alternative Nobel Prize. When such a scholar is skeptic about the continuance of the on-going globalization, he must have solid reasons. Let us see what they are.
In the early 1990s, when the present era of globalization began, it was asserted that its course was irreversible. The New Economy, given birth by revolutionary changes in the sphere of information technology was immune to business cycles. There was no challenge to capitalism because the Soviet Union had collapsed and China had begun adapting itself to the new era. All the national economies were sooner or later going to be integrated into one global entity, and the world was sure to become borderless as nation-state was on its way out. This process could neither be held back nor reversed. The people opposed to this march of history were dubbed as lunatics or modern day Luddites. What is the situation after one and a half decades? No integrated global economy is visible even on the distant horizon. Bello says, “…despite runaway shops and outsourcing, what passes for an international economy remains a collection of national economies. These economies are interdependent, no doubt, but domestic factors still largely determine their dynamics. Globalization, in fact, has reached its high-water mark and is receding.”
When the present era of globalization was on ascendancy, it was declared by propagandists like Thomas L. Friedman from housetops that state policies had become irrelevant and MNCs were going to be domineering and driving force. Yet, the European Union, the US government and the Chinese state are stronger today than what they were a decade and a half ago. The nation- states in Latin America have become more assertive now. The MNCs have to obey their dictates even if they do not like to do so. Bello underlines: “Moreover, state policies that interfere with the market to build up industrial structures or protect employment still make a difference. Indeed, over the past 10 years, interventionist government policies have spelled the difference between development and underdevelopment, prosperity and poverty. Malaysia’s imposition of capital controls during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98 prevented it from unraveling like Thailand or Indonesia. Strict controls also insulated China from the economic collapse engulfing its neighbours.”
When the present era of globalization began, it was asserted that it would lead to the rise of a transnational capitalist elite that would manage the global economy. This new elite would be led by its American component. Thus American dominance would be established. This scheme has, however, failed. National components still maintain their separate identity and are motivated by their national outlook and interests. They do not bother whether their nationalist approach leads to harmful consequences for other nations. The high hopes of the representatives of the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO, who met in Singapore in December, 1996 could not be realized. They thought, they were very near the goals of global governance and the imposition of well co-ordinated neo-liberal policies to bring about smooth, technocratic integration of the global economy. Sebastian Mallaby of the Washington Post, a pro-globalization journalist laments that these hopes have failed to be realized. According to him, “trade liberalization has stalled, aid is less coherent than it should be, and the next financial conflagration will be managed by injured fireman.” Bello thanks, in reality, the situation is worse for the protagonists of globalization. The IMF, a strong pillar of neo-liberalism is defunct. “Knowing how the IMF precipitated and worsened the Asian financial crisis, more and more of the advanced developing countries are refusing to borrow from it or are paying ahead of schedule, with some declaring their intention never to borrow again. These include Thailand, Indonesia, Brazil and Argentina. Since the Fund’s budget greatly depends on debt repayment from these big borrowers, this boycott is translating into what one expert describes as ‘a huge squeeze on the budget of the organization.’”
As far as the World Bank is concerned, the legitimacy of its existence is in question, .because, for decades, it imposed on developing countries its structural adjustment policies that brought poverty and sufferings to them. With the grounding of the Doha Round of negotiations, the WTO is losing its credibility and there are no indications that it would be able to take off in the near future.
Bello enumerates a number of factors that have brought globalization to a halt. First, the merits of globalization were overstated. The enthusiasts forgot that the bulk of the production by MNCs is carried on and sold in their countries of origin. There are not many corporations whose activities are widely dispersed over various regions. Second, the national capitalist elites have failed to adopt a truly global outlook and rise above their national interests and considerations. They have competed with one another in increasing their national benefits rather than evolving a rational approach to tackle the problems of over production, stagnation, environmental crisis, liberalization of trade and the free flow of labour. The USA and the European Union have sabotaged the Doha Round because they fear that its successful completion would anger their farmers. None of the developed countries have lifted fully the impediments obstructing the free flow of labour across the globe. In America, one can see how the Hispanics are discriminated against. Obviously, the double standard adopted by the USA has led to doubts in the minds of developing countries as regards its real intentions in championing globalization. To give a concrete example, it adopted somewhat strict attitude towards Enron but was very lenient and soft towards Union Carbide whose negligence resulted in the Bhopal tragedy in which thousands died and many more became condemned to suffer for life from various ailments.
The fact that neo-liberal policies have led to growing inequalities, and unemployment and poverty for certain sections of the society has antagonized people. The obsession with economic growth has resulted in disastrous consequences like ruining the environment and suspending labour laws and curtailing workers’ rights. The bid to eliminate capital controls and make national currencies fully convertible on both current and capital accounts has brought about the collapse of a number of economies. Lastly, the growing resistance by people has frustrated the attempts to foist globalization on all nations unmindful of their specific conditions. “One size fits all” has failed. This is crystal clear in Latin America where pro-globalization dispensations have been democratically overthrown by voters. Read Hugo Chavez’s recent speech and it will be obvious how discredited is current globalization.
Commenting on the attempts by certain people to impart a human face to globalization, Bello says: “Globalization … is a spent force. Today’s multiplying economic and political conflicts resemble, if anything, the period following the end of what historians refer to as the first era of globalization, which extended from 1815 to … 1914. The urgent task is not to steer corporate-driven globalization in a “social democratic” direction but to manage its retreat so that it does not bring about the same chaos and runaway conflicts that marked its demise in that earlier era.”
Girish Mishra,
Sunday, January 14, 2007
زیندووم که وه
شعری از: کژال احمد
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
ببه به گيان بۆ گيانم،
ببه به خۆرپه بۆ دلم،
ببه گڕي خوێني سڕم،
خڕۆشي ناو ده مارانم!
زيندوم که وه، زيندوم که وه،
زۆري ماوه نه قشه ي ژيانم،
زۆري ماوه تاسه ي ده روون،
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
ببه به لێوي ئاگرين،
ئه لف و بێ نوي بو داستانم،
پێم بده وا هێزي گريان،
ڕاچه نينم خڕوشانم!
ده چنه وه به ئه ستێره،
جريوه ي ره شي ئاسمانم،
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
تازه که وه لاقي شانم،
ببه به لێوي ئاگرين،
ئه لف و بێ نوي بو داستانم،
پێم بده وا هێزي گريان،
ڕاچه نينم خڕوشانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
ببه به گيان بۆ گيانم،
ببه به خۆرپه بۆ دلم،
ببه گڕي خوێني سڕم،
خڕۆشي ناو ده مارانم!
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
ببه به گيان بۆ گيانم،
ببه به خۆرپه بۆ دلم،
ببه گڕي خوێني سڕم،
خڕۆشي ناو ده مارانم!
زيندوم که وه، زيندوم که وه،
زۆري ماوه نه قشه ي ژيانم،
زۆري ماوه تاسه ي ده روون،
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
ببه به لێوي ئاگرين،
ئه لف و بێ نوي بو داستانم،
پێم بده وا هێزي گريان،
ڕاچه نينم خڕوشانم!
ده چنه وه به ئه ستێره،
جريوه ي ره شي ئاسمانم،
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
تازه که وه لاقي شانم،
ببه به لێوي ئاگرين،
ئه لف و بێ نوي بو داستانم،
پێم بده وا هێزي گريان،
ڕاچه نينم خڕوشانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
له مه رگي خۆم په شيمانم!
زيندووم که وه، زيندووم که وه،
ببه به گيان بۆ گيانم،
ببه به خۆرپه بۆ دلم،
ببه گڕي خوێني سڕم،
خڕۆشي ناو ده مارانم!
Friday, January 12, 2007
Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Scientists Determine How Gene Behind Sleep Cycle Works
January 11, 2007
Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Scientists Determine How Gene Behind Sleep Cycle Works
A single amino acid in a particular protein can get you up long before dawn and into bed well before prime time.
By Nikhil Swaminathan
Scientific American
In 2000 scientists at the University of Utah discovered a family of early risers who typically slept from around five at night to two in the morning. The condition, dubbed familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (FASPS), has allowed researchers studying circadian rhythms to understand how the human body clock works, which could pave the way for future therapies aimed at seasonal affective disorder, jet lag and insomnia.
Now, a new study by a team out of the University of California, San Francisco, which includes members of the group that initially identified FASPS, has determined the operational mechanism by which the gene Per2 is implicated in adjusting the body clock's response to light. Their findings, published in this week's issue of Cell, state that the replacement of one amino acid from among hundreds found in a protein can result in irregular sleep patterns.
"A single amino acid change from serine to glycine, that's enough for all these people who have this mutation to have FASPS," says neurologist and study co-author Ying-Hui Fu. Based on lab tests of cells from the Utah family, the researchers believe that a single point mutation in Per2 results in the replacement of serine with glycine during transcription. This substitution then prevents a still unknown enzyme from adding a phosphate molecule onto the absent serine, which kicks off a domino effect resulting in lower overall transcription from DNA to mRNA (messenger RNA). This decreased mRNA, in turn, leads to lower amounts of protein when RNA is translated. "The message of this gene doesn't get transmitted appropriately," explains Fu," and therefore the protein level is low."
Previous studies had hinted that Per2's effect on circadian rhythm was an issue of protein stability, a defect that would have been caused during or after translation. "The biggest surprise in this [study] was the change in messenger RNA as opposed to protein stability," notes University of Utah cancer and circadian rhythm specialist David Virshup, who adds that the new paper conflicts with the results of a study published late last year in Genes & Development. Choogon Lee, a biomedical scientist at Florida State University, believes that post-translational effects are d efinitely not absent based on the raw data. He notes that the decrease in messenger RNA is only 30 percent in the Cell study, but that this results in a protein decrease of 80 to 90 percent. "So, it's not just the transcription decrease," he says. "There must be some protein-stability effect, too."
The San Francisco team, with the aid of University of Utah neurologist Christopher Jones, also studied the effects of Per2 mutation in mice. The scientists added a mutated copy of the Per2 gene to mice that would change the 662nd amino acid in the PER2 protein from a serine to glycine. This triggered a shift in the animals' circadian period, causing the mice to go to sleep nearly two hours earlier than before. When the researchers deleted the natural Per2 genes before inserting the mutated gene, the mice slept and woke nearly four hours earlier than before. "The mutation has a dominant effect over the endogenous Per2, so without endogenous Per2, interference, the phenotype is worse," Fu says. When the researchers inserted a copy of the gene that mimicked the presence of serine, the circadian period lengthened, which, Fu says, "really tells you that this amino acid plays a really critical role. It's almost like a dial in your cell that can turn your [period] short or long."
David Weaver, a neurobiologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School says he found the new study's findings to be quite surprising. "While the authors can't completely exclude a contribution of post-translational effects on PER2 protein levels," he explains, "their data indicate it has quite an important effect on Per2 transcript levels that I would not have anticipated." He also points out that "while the population affected by FASPS is relatively small, the lessons learned and the mouse models generated will likely be useful in developing methods for resetting the circadian clock."
Fu says that her group is working to develop therapies for modulating the human body clock, irregularities of which are associated with everything from insomnia to seasonal affective disorder and cancer. "We can use our mouse model to screen compounds to see which one can regulate period," Fu says, "to make it normal again."
Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Scientists Determine How Gene Behind Sleep Cycle Works
A single amino acid in a particular protein can get you up long before dawn and into bed well before prime time.
By Nikhil Swaminathan
Scientific American
In 2000 scientists at the University of Utah discovered a family of early risers who typically slept from around five at night to two in the morning. The condition, dubbed familial advanced sleep phase syndrome (FASPS), has allowed researchers studying circadian rhythms to understand how the human body clock works, which could pave the way for future therapies aimed at seasonal affective disorder, jet lag and insomnia.
Now, a new study by a team out of the University of California, San Francisco, which includes members of the group that initially identified FASPS, has determined the operational mechanism by which the gene Per2 is implicated in adjusting the body clock's response to light. Their findings, published in this week's issue of Cell, state that the replacement of one amino acid from among hundreds found in a protein can result in irregular sleep patterns.
"A single amino acid change from serine to glycine, that's enough for all these people who have this mutation to have FASPS," says neurologist and study co-author Ying-Hui Fu. Based on lab tests of cells from the Utah family, the researchers believe that a single point mutation in Per2 results in the replacement of serine with glycine during transcription. This substitution then prevents a still unknown enzyme from adding a phosphate molecule onto the absent serine, which kicks off a domino effect resulting in lower overall transcription from DNA to mRNA (messenger RNA). This decreased mRNA, in turn, leads to lower amounts of protein when RNA is translated. "The message of this gene doesn't get transmitted appropriately," explains Fu," and therefore the protein level is low."
Previous studies had hinted that Per2's effect on circadian rhythm was an issue of protein stability, a defect that would have been caused during or after translation. "The biggest surprise in this [study] was the change in messenger RNA as opposed to protein stability," notes University of Utah cancer and circadian rhythm specialist David Virshup, who adds that the new paper conflicts with the results of a study published late last year in Genes & Development. Choogon Lee, a biomedical scientist at Florida State University, believes that post-translational effects are d efinitely not absent based on the raw data. He notes that the decrease in messenger RNA is only 30 percent in the Cell study, but that this results in a protein decrease of 80 to 90 percent. "So, it's not just the transcription decrease," he says. "There must be some protein-stability effect, too."
The San Francisco team, with the aid of University of Utah neurologist Christopher Jones, also studied the effects of Per2 mutation in mice. The scientists added a mutated copy of the Per2 gene to mice that would change the 662nd amino acid in the PER2 protein from a serine to glycine. This triggered a shift in the animals' circadian period, causing the mice to go to sleep nearly two hours earlier than before. When the researchers deleted the natural Per2 genes before inserting the mutated gene, the mice slept and woke nearly four hours earlier than before. "The mutation has a dominant effect over the endogenous Per2, so without endogenous Per2, interference, the phenotype is worse," Fu says. When the researchers inserted a copy of the gene that mimicked the presence of serine, the circadian period lengthened, which, Fu says, "really tells you that this amino acid plays a really critical role. It's almost like a dial in your cell that can turn your [period] short or long."
David Weaver, a neurobiologist at the University of Massachusetts Medical School says he found the new study's findings to be quite surprising. "While the authors can't completely exclude a contribution of post-translational effects on PER2 protein levels," he explains, "their data indicate it has quite an important effect on Per2 transcript levels that I would not have anticipated." He also points out that "while the population affected by FASPS is relatively small, the lessons learned and the mouse models generated will likely be useful in developing methods for resetting the circadian clock."
Fu says that her group is working to develop therapies for modulating the human body clock, irregularities of which are associated with everything from insomnia to seasonal affective disorder and cancer. "We can use our mouse model to screen compounds to see which one can regulate period," Fu says, "to make it normal again."
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